Six Berries


The home of real estate information.

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Infabode is a free research, news and insights platform for the real estate industry.

Used by over 40,000+ real estate professionals Infabode is quickly becoming one of the largest online real estate communities; with content from over 900 partners across the globe.

Infabode works with businesses to include their research, insights, blogs, news and market analysis on one platform.

From the world’s most renowned researchers and institutions to smaller, more specialised consultants and bloggers, Infabode connects members with companies posting industry insights – all in one place.


The Challenge

Due to the nature of a business, its digitalization pipeline required several solutions to support the company services providing information in real time.

To support proper information distribution and online services a 4 separate applications needed to be improved and some of them built from scratch.

Per every day basis, a separate services are aggregating and processing information, which need to be distributed using custom and targeted tailored routes, to the clients; and at the same time, having uninterrupted and fully operational acquisitions and distributions of complex data.


How We Helped

We organized a team of engineers to work together with clients staff and engineers on upgrading,
developing from scratch, maintaining and consulting on steps taken to improve and keep platforms to
work as expected.

Cases when we had to approach with complete overhaul of existing systems and keeping information
distribution without down time or interruptions of any kind so that the improved system seamlessly
took over the services as if nothing was changed, yet obviously performed in much better and quality

We held tech sessions whereas through consulting mechanisms we taught clients how to understand the
tools which they are using in a way that their business processes and inventive ideas could be
effectively implemented so that service is improved as high quality.

Amongst every day maintenance we also keep the system inventive and through sessions with clients
bring decisions about further implementation and extending features to better serve customers in
their quest of information exchange.